Color Samples

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Pebble Tec
Pebble Sheen
Pebble Fina
Pebble Brilliance
Standard Plaster

Find the Pool Finish Texture and Water Color that fits your vision.

PebbleTec's easy to use design tool let's you imagine ALL the possibilities. Click below to try it out.

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The PebbleTec Difference

There’s a reason why people who know pools insist on genuine PebbleTec products. To learn more about how the right pool finish makes all the difference in creating a beautiful and enduring poolscape, hear from some of our homeowners—in their own words.

Why choose a genuine PebbleTec pool finish instead of plaster?


PebbleTec finishes give a naturally elegant, even look that accentuates the water color. (Plaster tends to show staining and discoloration much more.)


PebbleTec finishes can last over 20 years with proper pool care. (Plaster pools typically need to be replaced every 5 years.)


PebbleTec finishes offer a range of texture options (from natural to ultra-smooth) and over 50 stunning water colors. (Plaster just cannot offer the same variety.)