Frequently Asked Questions
Easy answer is “anytime”, but of course in New England, the weather restricts us in terms of timing. Ideally, we would suggest calling in the late winter to set up and appointment for the spring. Spring is our busiest time in this industry and we would love to put your project on the calendar to ensure great service and convenient appointments. We can also begin the process anytime during the summer and fall, so please give us a call to start the process.
The harsh conditions a swimming pool is constantly under are exactly what cause the breakdown: water pressure, chemicals and sun exposure. As your pool starts to break down, extra maintenance is required, as well as more water and chemicals than a healthy pool. No one wants to use a pool that looks bad, feels rough to the touch or snags a bathing suit. That’s how customers know it is time for our pool refinishing services.
Today’s pool and spa owners have many reliable and beautiful swimming pool finish options available to them. From the straightforward simplicity of standard white plaster to the rainbow of multi-colored pebble finishes, and a spectrum of options between, the choices can be exciting – and also somewhat daunting without reliable information.
Because each project size, location and scope of work is different, it’s impossible to provide an estimate of how much refinishing may cost you. That’s why at David Cooke Plaster, we’ll come out and provide a free estimate that will include a detailed description of the work to be performed. We also have many references available for you.
As the original aggregate pool finish in the United States, Pebble Tec has over 25 years of product installation success with more installations and a longer history of success than any other aggregate finish. Pebble Tec owns quarries in 7 countries across 4 continents. This allows us/them to provide the best stone in color, quality and availability and with our signature installation process; David Cooke guarantees that you will love the finish of the pebble application.
The easiest answer to that is “one that is well applied by a competent and professional pool company” and David Cooke Plaster prides itself on being just that. Reason being, there are so many finishes for a pool to choose from, but the quality of your contractor can be more important than the finish you select. The quality of the prep work will determine how durable and long-lasting your finish will stay.

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Why choose a genuine PebbleTec pool finish instead of plaster?
PebbleTec finishes give a naturally elegant, even look that accentuates the water color. (Plaster tends to show staining and discoloration much more.)
PebbleTec finishes can last over 20 years with proper pool care. (Plaster pools typically need to be replaced every 5 years.)
PebbleTec finishes offer a range of texture options (from natural to ultra-smooth) and over 50 stunning water colors. (Plaster just cannot offer the same variety.)