Contact Us
Give us a call at: 860-528-5473 631-582-1000 TOLL FREE at 1-800-928-5473
Office Directory:
Ext 320 – Main Office
Ext 313 – Sally Pastore – Accounting
Ext 314 – Raymond ‘Troy’ Barthen – Sales and General Manager for Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York State
Ext 315 – Rob Romano – Sales and General Manager for New York City and Long Island
Ext 316 – Deanna “Dee” Foley – Scheduling Coordinator / Manager
Ext 317 – Office Assistant
Ext 312 – David Cooke – President
We are located at:
647 Sullivan Avenue
South Windsor, CT 06074
Phone: 860-528-5473 OR Toll Free: 800.928.5473
Fax: 860.282.9829
Long Island: Please Send ALL mail to South Windsor
870 South 2nd Street
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Phone: 631-582-1000

Find the Pool Finish Texture and Water Color that fits your vision.
PebbleTec's easy to use design tool let's you imagine ALL the possibilities. Click below to try it out.
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Why choose a genuine PebbleTec pool finish instead of plaster?
PebbleTec finishes give a naturally elegant, even look that accentuates the water color. (Plaster tends to show staining and discoloration much more.)
PebbleTec finishes can last over 20 years with proper pool care. (Plaster pools typically need to be replaced every 5 years.)
PebbleTec finishes offer a range of texture options (from natural to ultra-smooth) and over 50 stunning water colors. (Plaster just cannot offer the same variety.)